The Drummer and the Great Mountain
A Guidebook To Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD
a soulful, comprehensive, and holistic support system for artists and creative humans.
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Release in Spring 2014

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Adult ADHD ADD Podcast

We share effective tips and practices for working with Adult ADD / Adult ADHD in a natural, holistic way, without the use of medications. Hosted by Bahman Sarram and Michael Joseph Ferguson. 

Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support
Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support

We share effective tips and practices for working with Adult ADD / Adult ADHD in a natural, holistic way, without the use of medications. Hosted by Bahman Sarram and Michael Joseph Ferguson. For more info, visit: LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The information shared on this podcast is intended solely for the purpose of personal growth, and not as a replacement for professional psychological support. The views and opinions of the hosts and guests of our podcast are not meant to be taken as medical advice. It is very important seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner when making any shifts to psychiatric medication you may be taking, or if you are experiencing extreme psychological distress.

Legal Disclaimer: The information shared on this podcast is intended solely for the purpose of personal growth, and not as a replacement for professional psychological support. The views and opinions of the hosts and guests of our podcast are not meant to be taken as medical advice. Please see additional information here.

Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – Perfectionism and “All or Nothing” Thinking. This podcast is an audio companion to the book “The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD.”

In this episode, we’ll discuss perfectionism and “all or nothing” thinking. What are they, how do we work with them, and how do we prevent them from stopping us before we’ve even started?

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If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:

Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 78 episodes:

>> Take the ADHD Hunter-type Quiz

If you’re enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman’s website to hear his entire catalog of albums!

For more info, visit:


Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – Sprint Then Rest. This podcast is an audio companion to the book “The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD.”

In this episode, we’ll discuss the “Sprint Then Rest” cycle. For us hunter-types, it’s common to burnout or get lost in indecision and brain fog if we don’t stay in touch with our natural rhythms. One key solution to this involves scheduling shorter work “sprints” followed by times of rest.


Don’t see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file.

If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:

Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 77 episodes:

>> Take the ADHD Hunter-type Quiz

If you’re enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman’s website to hear his entire catalog of albums!

For more info, visit:


Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – Start With the End in Mind. This podcast is an audio companion to the book “The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD.”

In this episode, we’ll explore the process of “starting with the end in mind” as a way of increasing follow-through and consistency. Whether it’s smaller day-to-day tasks, or larger projects, we’ll discuss tools and tips to help you visualize the end result, and how to work backwards from this point to arrive at a realistic plan with clear milestones.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:


Don’t see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file.

If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:

Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 76 episodes:

If you’re enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman’s website to hear his entire catalog of albums!

For more info, visit:


Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – Overcoming Analysis Paralysis. This podcast is an audio companion to the book “The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD.”

In this episode, we’ll explore how to overcome analysis paralysis. What is it? Why is it common for hunter-types? And, what are some road-tested tips and tools that will make your decision-making process far more streamlined.

Links Mentioned in this Episode (and helpful resources):


Don’t see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file.

If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:

Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 75 episodes:

If you’re enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman’s website to hear his entire catalog of albums!

For more info, visit:



Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – Meditation Practice. This podcast is an audio companion to the book “The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD.”

In this episode, we’ll do a deep dive into meditation for ADHD. We’ll answer the question, “Why Meditate?”,  explore three specific meditation techniques in detail, and cover some tips on maintaining a satisfying meditation practice.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:


Don’t see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file.

If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:

Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 74 episodes:

If you’re enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman’s website to hear his entire catalog of albums!

For more info, visit:



Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – Coronavirus: Overcoming Fear and Finding Stability. This podcast is an audio companion to the book “The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD.”

In this episode, we’ll discuss how to navigate this turbulent time as a hunter-type: what are the biggest challenges, what are some successful strategies to find balance, and where are the opportunities for us to utilize our innate gifts to support others.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:


Don’t see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file.

If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:

Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 72 episodes:

If you’re enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman’s website to hear his entire catalog of albums!

For more info, visit:



Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – Mindfulness Practices. This podcast is an audio companion to the book “The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD.”

In this episode, we’ll discuss the benefits of mindfulness practices for ADHD. What is mindfulness? Why is it important? What practices are available, and how do I implement them into a daily routine to increase focus and overall well being?

Links Mentioned in this Episode:


Don’t see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file.

If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:

Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 71 episodes:

If you’re enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman’s website to hear his entire catalog of albums!

For more info, visit:


Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – Leaning on Your Strengths. This podcast is an audio companion to the book “The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD.”

In this episode, we’ll discuss the strengths that often come with being a hunter-type (ADHD). What are they, WHY are they, and how can you increase your self-esteem and productivity by cultivating them? We’ll end with an exercise designed to build a greater awareness, day-to-day, of your natural gifts.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:


Don’t see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file.

If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:

Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 70 episodes:

If you’re enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman’s website to hear his entire catalog of albums!

For more info, visit:



Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – 15 Tips For a Successful 2020. This podcast is an audio companion to the book “The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD.”

In this episode, we’ll explore 15 specific tips to have a successful 2020 as a hunter-type. This episode also includes a journaling exercise to help you get clear on your goals for the upcoming year.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:


Don’t see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file.

If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:

Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 69 episodes:

If you’re enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman’s website to hear his entire catalog of albums!

For more info, visit:



Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – The Gifts of a Gratitude Practice. This podcast is an audio companion to the book “The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD.”

In this episode, Michael and Questa discuss the benefits of a gratitude practice for hunter-types. We’ll explore the surprising and hidden benefits of a daily mindfulness discipline of noting what you’re grateful for, and how this can transform ADHD challenges of low self-esteem, anxiety, and self-judgment.


Don’t see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file.

If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:

Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 68 episodes:

If you’re enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman’s website to hear his entire catalog of albums!

For more info, visit:


A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD/ADHD

a soulful, comprehensive, and holistic support system for artists and creative humans.
Join our growing community.

Get 2 FREE Chapters, weekly tips, and event notifications.

Find Us On:  natural add natural add
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this website (podcast, articles, etc.) is intended solely for the purpose of personal growth, and not as a replacement for professional psychological support. The views and opinions of the hosts and guests of our podcast are not meant to be taken as medical advice. It is very important seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner when making any shifts to psychiatric medication you may be taking, or if you are experiencing extreme psychological distress.
©2024 Michael Joseph Ferguson, all rights reserved.