The Drummer and the Great Mountain
A Guidebook To Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD
a soulful, comprehensive, and holistic support system for artists and creative humans.
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Release in Spring 2014

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Most of us hunter-types experience overwhelm regularly. It definitely can be a “giant” of epic proportions.  Overwhelm tends to happen when: The pressure of mundane details and “have-tos” of daily life pile up. We are faced with numerous challenges simultaneously. Our…

Adult ADD ADHD Articles : Life Visioning - Overcoming Blocks and Staying Inspired

In last week’s article, we explored how to move from short-term goals to doable action items. The next step involves distilling each goal into a list of short-term goals. Knowing What “Lights You Up” Now that you have a clear…

by | Jan 26, 2015 | No Comments

In last week’s article, we explored mapping your short-term goals. The next step involves distilling each goal into a list of short-term goals. From Short-Term Goals to Doable Actions The next step is to take your short-term goals and turn…

by | Jan 19, 2015 | No Comments

In last week’s article, we explored creating your long-term goals list. The next step involves distilling each goal into a list of short-term goals. Exercise: Mapping Short-term Goals Choose a long-term goal from the list you’ve created. On a sheet…

by | Jan 12, 2015 | No Comments

New Year’s resolutions can be both inspiring and disheartening.  It’s often a challenge to maintain the focus and energy to bring them to pass, especially if you’re challenged with ADD/ADHD symptoms. This is part 1 of a series of posts…

by | Dec 15, 2014 | No Comments

Note: This book excerpt refers to people with ADD / ADHD as “hunter-types,” based on Thom Hartmann’s “hunter-farmer theory.” For more information, please reference the article, “What is a Hunter-type?” Another common predicament many of us hunter-types get into is…

Everyone has their own personal thresholds. Some people have seemingly boundless energy and thrive on a packed schedule. Other people, like myself, do best with quite a bit of down time, to balance out the times of high energy and…

by | Nov 24, 2014 | No Comments
Photo By Elina Mark

The foods you eat affect your brain chemistry, often just as much as any drug can. Each item of food you put into your body is made up of countless elements (amino acids, vitamins, minerals, chemical additives, etc.). If you…

by | Nov 17, 2014 | No Comments

[Note: This book excerpt refers to people with ADD / ADHD as “hunter-types,” based on Thom Hartmann’s “hunter-farmer theory.” For more information, please reference the article, “What is a Hunter-type?”] Hunter-types are not deficient in attention or focus (as the…

by | Sep 14, 2014 | No Comments

Hello everyone! Well, the day has finally arrived.  The Drummer and the Great Mountain – A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD is now available! The outpouring of support leading up to launch has been tremendous and greatly appreciated. …

A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD/ADHD

a soulful, comprehensive, and holistic support system for artists and creative humans.
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LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this website (podcast, articles, etc.) is intended solely for the purpose of personal growth, and not as a replacement for professional psychological support. The views and opinions of the hosts and guests of our podcast are not meant to be taken as medical advice. It is very important seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner when making any shifts to psychiatric medication you may be taking, or if you are experiencing extreme psychological distress.
©2024 Michael Joseph Ferguson, all rights reserved.